'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1,' due out in theaters in November.
Producer Wyck Godfrey explained to USA Today that domestic issues will take precedence over the action in 'Breaking Part 1,' as Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) discover marriage "is not quite the experience that they thought it was," especially after enjoying a "romantic and sensual" -- but definitely not "soft porn"! -- honeymoon. The picture above, released a while back, is a "morning after" look at Bella's arm, which may give you an idea of the chaste tastefulness that will characterize the night when Bella loses more than her memory. But what of the product of their love?
When their love child bursts forth from Bella's body in a hail of blood, bones, and gooey stuff, it will all be seen from Bella's point of view, "looking through the haze" of a very painful experience, thus neatly side-stepping the more explicit descriptions in Stephenie Meyer's novel. The producer says "it would be a crime against our audience to go R-rated." This confirms what screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg said last summer. (For a more extensive weighing of the pros and cons of showing the bloody birth scene on the big screen, see this great article by our own Jessica Barnes -- and check out the passionate debate it sparked.)
The interview features other tidbits of information: where, exactly, the book will be split ("The first part will cover the wedding, the honeymoon and the birth. The film ends just before she embarks on her supernatural transformation"); how Jacob's section of the book will be handled in the films; why Bill Condon ('Dreamgirls') was selected to direct; and the possibility of a vampire "soft-shoe shuffle." If nothing else, it's clear that the filmmakers are united in their desire to honor the spirit of the book while maintaining the invaluable PG-13 rating. Whether they succeed or not will be entirely up to you.
"Vampires doing kicks." "Soft porn." "A crime against our audience." "Newlywed tension." Fear not, Twi-hards, your beloved movie franchise will not contain any of those potentially offensive elements, even as its final two chapters tackle the thorny issues of sexual intimacy, a bloody birth, and a director known for his musical numbers. Except for "newlywed tension": that will definitely be an important component of Producer Wyck Godfrey explained to USA Today that domestic issues will take precedence over the action in 'Breaking Part 1,' as Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) discover marriage "is not quite the experience that they thought it was," especially after enjoying a "romantic and sensual" -- but definitely not "soft porn"! -- honeymoon. The picture above, released a while back, is a "morning after" look at Bella's arm, which may give you an idea of the chaste tastefulness that will characterize the night when Bella loses more than her memory. But what of the product of their love?
When their love child bursts forth from Bella's body in a hail of blood, bones, and gooey stuff, it will all be seen from Bella's point of view, "looking through the haze" of a very painful experience, thus neatly side-stepping the more explicit descriptions in Stephenie Meyer's novel. The producer says "it would be a crime against our audience to go R-rated." This confirms what screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg said last summer. (For a more extensive weighing of the pros and cons of showing the bloody birth scene on the big screen, see this great article by our own Jessica Barnes -- and check out the passionate debate it sparked.)
The interview features other tidbits of information: where, exactly, the book will be split ("The first part will cover the wedding, the honeymoon and the birth. The film ends just before she embarks on her supernatural transformation"); how Jacob's section of the book will be handled in the films; why Bill Condon ('Dreamgirls') was selected to direct; and the possibility of a vampire "soft-shoe shuffle." If nothing else, it's clear that the filmmakers are united in their desire to honor the spirit of the book while maintaining the invaluable PG-13 rating. Whether they succeed or not will be entirely up to you.